台灣與中國律師執業安全之比較(A Comparison of the Professional Safety of Lawyers in Taiwan and China),2010年3月英文版,劍與盾(香港中國維權律師關注組出版)
隨著海峽兩岸交流愈趨熱絡,台灣與中國不衹在政治解凍,雙方相互投資、觀光、就學與文化訪問等,兩岸律師亦就各自之執業經驗逐漸有機會交換意見。惟因台灣與中國律師對對岸的政治與社會環境不甚熟悉,大多律師亦未在對岸執行業務,難免產生隔閡。本文嚐試介紹中國律師較不熟悉的台灣律師之執業情況,提供給中國律師界參考,希望對中國崛起與和平演變提供另個華人社會的經驗。為在有限篇幅下較有效率地介紹台灣律師的執業情況,本文分為以下章節:(貳)影響台灣律師執業環境的因素,試以本文作者的參與觀察,對台灣律師的執業環境作一個宏觀的分析。(參)台灣律師執業安全之情況,此又依一般各國律師執業最普遍之特徴:刑事辯護、集體訴訟代理及個別律師執業受侵害之情形等三方面,加以論述台灣律師執業之情況。(肆)中國律師執業之困境,此係分就大環境、刑辯律師及近年來國際間矚目的維權律師之處境加以析述,期能勾繪中國律師執業的面貌。(伍)結論,比較台灣與中國律師之執業安全,並提出雙方未來可能之走向。(Cross-strait exchanges are growing ever warmer; this is evidenced not only by a thaw in political relations between Taiwan and China, a growth in cross-strait investment and tourism in both directions and increasing academic and cultural exchanges, but also by increasing exchanges of professional experience and views between lawyers from both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Barriers remain only because lawyers on both sides are insufficiently familiar with the each others' political and social environment, given that the majority of lawyers have not practiced their profession across the Strait. In this article I would like to introduce Chinese lawyers to the professional environment for lawyers in Taiwan, in hopes that this experience from another Chinese society can contribute to China's rise and peaceful evolution. In order to more efficiently present this information in the limited space available, this article is divided into the following sections:
1)Factors influencing the professional environment of Taiwan's lawyers. This section provides a macroscopic analysis based on my personal observations and experience;
2)The professional safety of Taiwan's lawyers. This is based on the most common indicators for lawyers the world over -- criminal defence, class action lawsuits and circumstances under which the rights of individual lawyers are violated -- as well as elaborating on the specific situation of Taiwan's lawyers;
3)The difficulties Chinese lawyers face in practicing their profession. This analyses the overall environment, criminal defence and the situation of rights defence lawyers, which has captured worldwide attention in recent years, to characterise the practice of law in China;
4)The conclusion, which compares the professional safety of lawyers in Taiwan and China and suggests possible future directions on both sides of the Strait.)

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